Charlotte Sprenkle

Email: [email protected]

Birthday: 01/02

Initials: CWS

Favorite Sports Team: Clemson Tigers

Favorite Color: greens, purples & Any

Favorite Restaurant to Eat with Family/Friends: Common Market, Ed's Tavern, Trolley Barn, Snooze. We try almost anything!

Favorite Place to Shop: Marshalls, Target, Anthropologie, Amazon

Hobbies/Interests/Collections: Time with my adult children (travel), pets: big dog, cats, backyard chickens. Home dec + DIY, cooking, walking

I love receiving: Candles, Tumblers/Insulated Cups, Monogrammed/Personalized Items, Home Decor, Holiday Decor

Favorite Candy: gum, cinnamon, spearmint

Favorite Chocolate: Dark chocolate with: nuts/almonds, caramel

Favorite Snack Food: salty/crunchy, healthy when possible (baked chips),

Favorite Drink (Hot & Cold): Tea (unsweet), Coffee, Diet Lemonade, Macha Latte

If someone was bringing me a take-out meal to Selwyn, I would want to order from: Jason's Deli, Showmars, CFA, Qdoba/Chipotle, I like almost everything, esp. Mediterranean.

And my order would be: Greek Salad (grilled chix), Turkey/chix Sandwich/wraps, soup, crispy fries (occasional treat), Most salads or grain bowl w/greens + chix

Thank you, but I have enough of: Nurse signs

Some of my favorite gifts as a teacher have been:

Anything else you want us to know: