Channing Hagaman

Email: [email protected]

Birthday: October 23rd

Initials: CEH, soon to be CEV

Favorite Sports Team: App State

Favorite Color: Neutrals

Favorite Restaurant to Eat with Family/Friends: I am new to Charlotte and I love to try local places

Favorite Place to Shop: Target, Amazon, local shops

Hobbies/Interests/Collections: My golden doodle, coffee, and anything outdoors!

I love receiving: Candles, Monogrammed/Personalized Items, Flowers, Home Decor, Holiday Decor

Favorite Candy: Mint gum (5 blue is my favorite!)

Favorite Chocolate: Dove milk chocolate

Favorite Snack Food: Chex Mix Bold

Favorite Drink (Hot & Cold): Iced/hot caramel macchiato

If someone was bringing me a take-out meal to Selwyn, I would want to order from: Chick-fil-A

And my order would be: Chicken Wrap with Avocado Lime Ranch Dressing

Thank you, but I have enough of:

Some of my favorite gifts as a teacher have been: Personalized items

Anything else you want us to know: I am getting married this school year, my new last name will be Vernon. Thank you!!!