Email: [email protected]
Birthday: 1/23
Initials: EMC
Favorite Sports Team: MPHS Mustangs and UNC Chapel Hill
Favorite Color: Blues and Pinks
Favorite Restaurant to Eat with Family/Friends: Greco Fresh or Portofinos
Favorite Place to Shop: Cash/VISA Giftcard, Target, Amazon
Hobbies/Interests/Collections: I'd love to travel more with my family in the year to come.
I love receiving: Cards, Monogrammed/Personalized Items, Flowers
Favorite Candy: Anything with chocolate
Favorite Chocolate: Any
Favorite Snack Food: peanut m&ms or pistachios…anything is welcome
Favorite Drink (Hot & Cold): 1/2 sweet and 1/2 unsweet tea or an iced or hot latte
If someone was bringing me a take-out meal to Selwyn, I would want to order from: Greco Fresh
And my order would be: Greek chicken pita and lemon oregano fries.. extra tzatziki sauce please.
Thank you, but I have enough of: candles, mugs and totebags
Some of my favorite gifts as a teacher have been: letters/cards from students or personalized stationary
Anything else you want us to know: Thank you for your thoughtfulness!