Hunter Nelson


Birthday: 06/12

Initials: HNN

Favorite Sports Team: Panthers and Hornets

Favorite Color: Pink and Blue

Favorite Restaurant to Eat with Family/Friends: Condado in Southend

Favorite Place to Shop: Target, Girltribe, Nike

Hobbies/Interests/Collections: Taylor Swift, Harry Potter, Golden Retrievers

I love receiving: Lotions, Home Decor, Holiday Decor

Favorite Candy: Sweet Tarts Ropes

Favorite Chocolate: Kinder Chocolate

Favorite Snack Food: Zapp’s Voodoo Chips

Favorite Drink (Hot & Cold): Cold only! White Chocolate Peppermint Latte with Cold Foam

If someone was bringing me a take-out meal to Selwyn, I would want to order from: Cava or Chick-fil-a

And my order would be: Bowl with White Rice, Honey Chicken, Feta Hummus, Cucumbers and Tomatoes, Tomatoes and Onions, Feta on top Or Chicken Sandwich meal

Thank you, but I have enough of: Mugs and School Supplies (notebooks, sticky notes, pens)

Some of my favorite gifts as a teacher have been: always grateful for gift cards and hand written notes!

Anything else you want us to know: I love anything super colorful, checkerboard print, and or smileys 🙂