Email: [email protected]
Birthday: 7/19
Initials: LDP
Favorite Sports Team: Notre Dame Football, Panthers
Favorite Color: green, teal, purple
Favorite Restaurant to Eat with Family/Friends: Pacos Tacos, Mama Ricottas
Favorite Place to Shop: Altered State, Girl Tribe, Lush, Target, Amazon
Hobbies/Interests/Collections: Travel, Reading, Walking, Cooking, Baking
I love receiving: Candles, Tumblers/Insulated Cups, Cards, Monogrammed/Personalized Items, School Supplies, Flowers, Ornaments
Favorite Candy: Gum
Favorite Chocolate: Milk Chocolate
Favorite Snack Food: popcorn, white cheddar popcorn
Favorite Drink (Hot & Cold): Peach Green Tea Lemonade (Cold), Arnold Palmer
If someone was bringing me a take-out meal to Selwyn, I would want to order from: Viva Chicken Quinoa Stuffed Avocado with White Meat
And my order would be: Quinoa Stuffed Avocado with White Meat
Thank you, but I have enough of: Candy 🙂
Some of my favorite gifts as a teacher have been: Letters from my students, Christmas ornaments from the class
Anything else you want us to know: Thank you so much!